Is my older preschooler READY to go to kindergarten?
You’ve seen great changes in your child.
But, is it enough?
If your child is a Rainbow or Dolphin and is scheduled to go to elementary school this fall, you have no doubt wondered about this. You’ve seen great changes in your child over the last several years- seen them learning about being a friend & how to share. You’ve noticed their interest in numbers & writing their name. The natural world has become a focus, or is it princesses and superheroes? They often LOVE school, and sometimes just wish they could stay home and be with the family. They are showing signs of independence, but they still crave your attention. They listen to stories; they tell you stories- often over and over again. They have come a long way, that’s for sure.
But you still wonder, is it enough?
As a former kindergarten teacher, I want you to know something very important. No matter what, it’s Kindergarten’s job to be ready for your child.
Kindergarten teachers know every child enters the classroom with a variety of strengths and interests, experiences, and challenges. Every child is a mystery of sorts, and it’s the teacher’s job to nurture and encourage until the best of the child is revealed. This may sound corny, but most teachers of young children have a strong sentimental streak.
Ready children are excited to go to “big school”, or they worry about the change. Or both.
Ready children are getting better at making friends, but they are also may get nervous around new groups of kids.
Ready children learn through play, and have their own strong particular interests: Books, art, dancing, singing, building things and busting them down. Ready kids know what they like.
Ready children may love to sit down and focus for periods of time; but many ready children don’t - they want to be moving as much & as long as possible.
Ready kindergarten programs know all of this, and are awaiting your children. They are preparing now to make your child’s kindergarten experience a success.
You and your child have been preparing for this transition their whole lives! They ARE ready! And we are so grateful to have been a part of the preparation!